Please see British Sign Language videos at foot of this page for assistance on the following:
- which elections you require Voter ID
- how to apply for Voter ID
- what to expect at the polling station and other ways to vote
You will need to show photo ID to vote in person at UK Parliament elections.
You can use a range of different forms of ID, including your passport, driving licence or National Entitlement Card. If you don’t have an accepted form of photo ID, you can apply for a free voter ID document known as a Voter Authority Certificate.
This also applies to UK Parliament by elections and recall petitions, and will apply to UK Parliament general elections from October 2023.
You do not need to show photo ID to vote at Scottish Parliament and council elections.
For more information about Voter ID please see the following videos as provided by the Electoral Commission:
Electoral Commission Quick Guide to Voting in Scotland
Please also visit or call 0800 328 0280 to find out which forms of photo ID will be accepted and how to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate, if you need one.