Local Councils appoint Electoral Registration Officers to compile the register of electors, which is published on or shortly before 1st December each year, and to deal with other electoral registration matters such as applications for absent votes.

In the Tayside area, Angus Council and Perth & Kinross Council have appointed Darryl Rae as the Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer for Tayside Valuation Joint Board. Electoral registration in Dundee is carried out in the Support Services Department of Dundee City Council.

If you live in the Tayside area and wish to contact the Electoral Registration Officer, you should contact the appropriate office for your area.

For Angus Council Area, contact:

The Electoral Registration Officer
William Wallace House
Orchard Loan
Tel: 01307 499910
Fax: 01307 499950
Email: [email protected]

For Perth and Kinross Council Area, contact:

The Electoral Registration Officer
Robertson House
Whitefriars Crescent
Tel: 01738 630303
Fax: 01738 639753
Email: [email protected]

For Dundee Council Area, contact:

The Electoral Registration Officer
Support Services Department
General Services Section
Dundee City Council
20 City Square
Tel: 01382 434000
Fax: 01382 434077

The Electoral Registration Officer for Angus and Perth& Kinross, Darryl Rae, can be contacted directly by the details below:

Tel: 01738 630303
Email: [email protected]

With the exception of Dundee City Council and Fife, all Councils in Scotland have appointed the local Assessor to carry out Electoral Registration duties. Details of other Electoral Registration Officers in Scotland can therefore be found on the Scottish Assessors Association website.