Tayside Valuation Joint Board was established in 1996 as part of the reorganisation of local government. It takes over from the Local Authorities in its area certain duties in relation to valuation for rating and council tax.
The Board comprises 15 Members who are appointed by the three Councils in its area. Dundee City Council nominates 6 members, Perth & Kinross Council 5 and Angus Council 4. The current membership of the Board is shown below.
The Board appoints the Assessor, whose statutory duty it is to prepare the Valuation Roll and the Council Tax Valuation List. The Assessor also provides the Electoral Registration service for Perth & Kinross Council and Angus Council.
Through its Clerk and Treasurer the Board provides the administrative framework within which the Assessor’s Department operates. The Board Members provide an essential link between the Assessor, the Councils in the area and the electorate.
The Board Members
Angus Council
Dundee City Council
Perth & Kinross Council
Key to Councillors
Clerk to the Board – Mr. Roger Mennie – Dundee City Council
Treasurer – Mr. Robert Emmott – Dundee City Council